Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm here!

It has been an amazing first week at the ranch. These kids never cease to amaze me. I have been spending most of my time during the day with the littlest kids, Ashley(2), Jonathan(2), Ana(5ish), Darina(5ish), Justin(5), and Melina(7). In the evenings I get to hang out more with the older boys. Last night we watched "Big Momma's House" in Spanish--it was pretty hilarious.

I feel like so much has happened in the last week and I wish I could share it all, but we are about to go eat dinner. All in all there has been some hard moments--this kids have had a lot of pain in their lives and they definitely act it out at times. One little girl through a major temper tantrum in the van yesterday. She had been fighting with another kid, and completely lost it. She was kicking, screaming, spitting, and smacking everyone near her. I had to restrain her from jumping out of the van... While all this was happening her little sister just watched with tears rolling down her cheeks. Afterwards she just wanted to be held and fell asleep in my arms. The little girl who threw the fit eventually calmed down and was on her best best behavior the rest of the afternoon.

For all the hard moments there have been even more beautiful moments. Like I said these kids are incredible!

Here's a video of the little ones singing "I Love You" in Spanish :)


Leah Marie said...

That is so prorite precious! I think my favorite part is the little one on the left eating his snack.. not too concerned with singing. I can't wait to read more! Love you girl.

Leah Marie said...

oops I meant precious... I don't know what word I was trying to type. ha ha

Nikki said...

Aww, adorable. I am glad to hear you are there safe and sound and having a great time! The video is adorable!

Harman said...

Those kids are stinkin' cute! I am excited to read your new blog. Keep the posts coming.